Contact Us

Mailing Address: Sorcerer Lodge
P.O. Box 1881
Golden, B.C.
Phone: (250) 272-3394
Email: info [at] sorcererlodge {dot} com

Backcountry Lodges Of British Columbia

Become a member of the Backcountry Lodges of British Columbia Association.


For a $25 fee, you can become an affiliate member of the BLBC. In exchange for this, you receive a $25 gift card to True Outdoors, can attend the public portion of the AGM, receive newsletters, notices of loyalty programs and get included on email notifications of reduced trip rates.

Your membership helps us to continue our work protecting the backcountry we visit, lobbying to improve zoning laws, and as an environmentally friendly industry, welcoming the world to BC. You can become part of a community of people who have dedicated their lives to sharing our beautiful mountains with others.

Please visit the BLBC website to learn more and to sign up.

We appreciate your support!